Ca - Calcium - Maintains
strong, healthy bones and teeth, regulates the
heartbeat, helps alleviate insomnia, assists in
iron metabolism, and is essential to the nervous
system. Rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis
are calcium deficiency diseases.
Cr - Chromium - Chromium
is an essential mineral found in very low concentrations
in the human body. Chromium Acts cooperatively
with other substances to control insulin and certain
Cu - Copper - Aids in
oxidizing fatty acids, transferring oxygen in
the muscles. Transmits nerve impulses to the production
of super oxide dismutase, a substance which protects
from free radicals and cell damage.
Fe - Iron - Essential
for the formation of red blood cells. Also works
in the building, repair, strengthening, and replacement
of worn tissue. Low blood iron levels can lead
to anemia, lethargy, and fatigue.
Mg - Magnesium - Necessary
for the matabolism of calcium. vitamin C, phosphorus,
sodium, and Potassium. Essential for nerve and
muscle function, and for converting blood sugar
into energy. Can also promote a healthier cardiovascular
system and keep teeth healthy.
Mn - Manganese - Aids
in healthy nervous system and ensures correct
bone development and health.
Mo - Molybdenum - Aids
in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Helps in preventing
anemia. Promotes general well being.
K - Potassium - Works
with sodium to regulate the body's water balance
and normalize heart rhythms. Also essential for
normal nerve and muscle function. Mental and physical
stress deplete the Potassium supply.
Se - Selenium - Potent
anti-oxidant nutrient that helps cells defend
themselves against free radical damage. Works
synergistically with vitamin E. Also important
for a healthy heart.
Zn - Zinc - Aids in carbohydrate
metabolism and nutrient assimilation. Functions
as an essential nutrient that directs the effecient
flow of body processes and the maintenance of
enzyme systems and cells. Also needed for protein
synthesis, and governs muscle contractions.
Biotin - Necessary to
process carbohydrates, energy and fats. Prevents
premature graying and balding. Alleviates dermatitis
and eczema.
I - Iodine - Aids in
growth and body repair. Provides energy by helping
in the matabolism of fats and starches.
P - Phosphorus - Helps
with dieting by burning excess fat. Promotes proper
growth and healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth.